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April 2019

Get 30 Minutes to use in May 2019 for every 3 hours you book in April 2019

MCM Studios Pittsburgh Recording Studio Logo
monthly offer.png

Time Left On Offer

The fine print 

1 : This offer is for all clients of MCM Studios.

2:  On your first eligible session you will be credited for every hour after that until April 30th 2019 11:59:59pm

3: All accrued time in April 2019 will be eligible to be used May 2019 and will expire June 1st 2019

4: Hours hold no cash value.  They can not be redeemed or traded for any other service or offer

5: Accrued hours must be used in 1 hour or longer sessions but no more than 3 hour sessions.  Time can be added to other                 bought hours as long as the session doesn't exceed 3 hours.  So if you get 1 hour total of reward time and book 2 hours                   normally the time can be combined to make a 3 hour session.

How to earn hours

Step 1 : Book a session HERE

Step 2:  For every 3 hours you book and record in April 2019 you will get 30 minutes to use in May 2019

Step 3: Enjoy your benefits!

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